Know 9 Objectives Why People are Passionate and Willing to Travel

My mother once asked me, ‘what would you like to accomplish?’. Some parents would like to know their children’s accomplishments according to their life choices. I chose to travel and be a part of my traveling. Up to date, I have been traveling for almost 32 years and have made it my career. No feeling of regret has ever occurred to me up to this day. But I am passionate about opening people’s minds that travel is not. It might not be to some other countries, but it could be on your own.


As you step down from your car, the aircraft, bus, train, or cruise, you feel a mix of different emotions from when you think you are in a different place away from home. Excitement awaits until you experience the culture, history, cuisines, destinations & attractions, and other activities that your adventure has to offer you. It is what you have been waiting for, and now it is coming alive right before your eyes.


Not knowing what lies ahead of me on every journey can be scary, but I make sure not to miss out on all of the attractive opportunities waiting to be experienced by me. The truth is, I don’t even want my journey to end until I am content. These things never end until there are no lands and seas to explore. Our minds are full of expectations, and when it ends, we ask for more. In every adventure, you must go ahead and make it unforgettable.


                               Rue De Petit Champlain

                                     Quebec City

There are various reasons why we want to travel. As a flight attendant, With years of experience, I have gathered information as to why people are passionate to travel. We travel because we want:







5. For Business Trips




8.To Migrate

Traveling by air has become pervasive in the 21st century. I was trying to be the 21-year-old Lexie Limitless, the youngest woman who visited 196 countries globally, included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Just like her, I want to accomplish traveling and seeing the world. As a traveler, you can capture little moments in any place you go and see. Those small moments of simplicity that highlight the truth about travel and adventure are life-changing. 


Travelling discovers your personal growth and serves as an eye-opener. It opens your mind to so many adventures one could ever imagine. It is not a reward you get from working in an 8-hour job, but rather an education for living.


 It also widens your way of thinking and helps you to discover & learn more about yourself while increasing your flexibility. It is about exploring the unknown and learning new things about yourself that you have not yet found. It also makes you a good storyteller and makes you feel unstoppable from sharing the right good experiences and the stories you’ve had with those who are about to begin their journey. It is a dream come true. 

What is essential for traveling is bringing home beautiful memories and souvenirs that crave a smile on your face whenever you remember or share them. You will always leave a piece of your heart behind the beautiful places you have visited and forever will stay in your heart and in your minds-eye.


                Fridge Magnets of different countries 

However, traveling is not as pleasing as it seems. Sometimes, it causes pains and disappointment. You learn from every journey, whether it be within your country or international, you take and explore—your perception, thoughts, and way of thinking not just change you but also your whole well-being. Good and bad memories stay in our thoughts and are processed by our state of mind and entire body. 

                   Your memories are yours to keep.





                                        Quote :


2 thoughts on “Know 9 Objectives Why People are Passionate and Willing to Travel”

  1. We travel to explore and discover new places and to taste their local dishes, more like a gastronomic tour 😁 We usually go where the locals eat, not in some fancy touristy restaurants. Shop for soveniers and yummy goodies in their market to bring home for our family to taste. I’ve read somewhere the says “ Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer” and that is so true! I enjoyed reading this article. Looking forward to more of your travel blogs.

    1. Hello Gelyn,
      thank you so much for this wonderful comment and the experiences
      you shared. And yes, it is indeed, the quotes after each Blog
      are a wonderful thing to share with all of you, and what makes me richer
      is sharing all those beautiful moments in these historical places.
      Ohhh there will be more coming!
      thank you for stopping by!



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