Note: please check this link before traveling.

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The pandemic has restricted a lot of activities for us. But now since the travel ban has been lifted, we still have to be vigilant on the things we need to do to be travel ready.
There can be no denying the devastating impact the pandemic had on the travel industry, with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost and businesses closed. Over a million planned trips were canceled due to COVID. The surprise of this caught many off guard, and they wondered: “How long would this go on? Will things go back to the way they were?”
Luckily, as the years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 and 2023 have passed, the tourism industry has been able to bounce back. It took some time for the industry to come up with sustainable strategies that would keep itself afloat and adhere to the multitude of travel trends that have surfaced due to the pandemic.
Now, as we have completed the first quarter of 2024, we can safely say that the tourism industry is up and running as it used to, but of course, with several modifications.
During the Pandemic, one of the most affected sectors associated with leisure is traveling. At this time a lot of travelers are now planning their next international or domestic trip despite facing another global impact of war in Eastern Europe and West Asia.
But since the purpose of this website is about travel we all must be responsible travelers, especially during these trying times wherein the war can affect anyone at any time and any place. In terms of proper safety and hygiene protocol, we must still continue protecting ourselves to have an enjoyable vacation, since there are some countries that are still implementing these protocols.
With that being said, there are several travel restrictions that travelers must observe and abide by. In this blog, we will be tackling all of that to ensure you still have fun with your trip to different destinations you want to discover.
NOTE: You have to understand fully the changes in travel industry requirements after the Pandemic. You must call or check your destinations for any new restrictions, your airline’s new policies ahead of time while preparing for your next trip. If it’s not done properly these will affect your vacation or you will be denied entry.
Entry Requirements in Foreign Countries
Before leaving for any destinations, check the government advisory beforehand and any country entry requirements.
In most European countries, COVID-19 travel restrictions no longer apply.
There have been several big changes recently, including:
- For visitors to Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, Malta, Portugal, Finland, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Cyprus, Austria and Greece, COVID-19 travel restrictions are no longer in place.
- For visitors from other countries, please check the latest guidance at
- Flying in the EU is no longer required to wear masks in airports or aboard flights. However, some countries have chosen to ignore this ruling and still require masks.
- Masks are no longer mandatory in Spain and Portugal.
- Travelers should check with the local health authorities before traveling to ensure they remain compliant with local regulations.
- Travelers should also make sure to carry a mask with them at all times in case of unexpected changes in regulations.
While this article is regularly updated, watch out for any new rules applied in your travel advisory, as rules can change rapidly. Check with your official government advice before traveling.
The general entry requirements shown above may “change” at any given time. Feel free to contact local authorities in your vicinity to stay updated in regard to entry requirements. Again, traveling to other countries or within the country is a traveler’s responsibility, and travelers must respect and observe safety protocols and entry requirements in the country they are about to visit.
Remember, before you travel, you must always be prepared. Be equipped with everything that you will need to be permitted to enter a particular country.
Before You Travel
You and your travel companions may want to consider these questions before booking a trip:
- If you or any family member traveling with you has an illness covered by your insurance, you must obtain a medical certificate from your family doctor.
- Have you been diagnosed with a high-risk disease? Everyone, especially the elderly, is susceptible to illness.
- Pack enough medication to last the duration of your trip. Be aware of any vaccination requirements in the country you are traveling to. Pack necessary medical supplies and protective gear.
- Are there high-risk individuals living in your household? Upon returning from your trip and you feel that you are coming down with something, you might spread this virus to your loved ones who are suffering from serious illness. Take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. Monitor your health regularly when you return and contact your doctor if necessary.
- Make sure to stay hydrated and take regular breaks from the sun. Bring along plenty of snacks and drinks in case of an emergency. And be aware of any signs of illness.
Proper Safety and Hygiene Protocols
If adventurers will continue to travel whether internationally or within the country, they must refer to the safety protocols shown below as these would help avoid them from getting infected or infecting others:
- Travelers must always practice hand hygiene, more frequently now than ever in any place for that matter. This must be observed especially when one coughs or sneezes. Hand hygiene includes cleaning the hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or cleansing the hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol.
NOTE: According to health articles, it is still better to cleanse our hands with soap and water because it eliminates more germs, bacteria, and viruses.
- Avoid and refrain from touching your nose, mouth, and eyes, especially when you are outside.
- Always cover your nose and mouth with your elbows or tissue when you sneeze or cough. Then properly dispose of the tissue used and perform proper hand hygiene.
- Medical masks are not required to be worn by individuals who are not sick. There have been no claims that a mask would protect a non-sick person from getting infected with any kind of virus. However, in some countries, they strictly implement the rule of wearing face masks. Travelers must respect and follow safety protocols.
- Observe social distancing. Maintain a distance of 2 meters between you and people around you.
- Limit contact to frequently touched surfaces. Doorknobs, elevator buttons, handrails, etc.
- Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
- As much as possible, convert to cashless payments.
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